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Our Lady of Mount Carmel Guestbook

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4:29pm 07-21-2014
Catherine Cameron
I have great memories of attending the festivals in July when I visited my grandmother in East Harlem. I loved the food, vendors and the whole atmosphere. We always felt safe to go around checking everything out. I can almost smell the pepper and onion italian subs.
10:00am 07-10-2014
I too was baptized, confirmed, and received Holy Communion at OLMC. I graduated from there in 1957. I lived on 117th and 2nd Ave. from 1943 until I enlisted in the USAF in the early 60's. I have many memories of the old neighborhood, some bad, but mostly good. I'd give anything to sink my teeth into one of Cincotti's pastries or the fresh baked Italian bread, still warm, from one of the neighborhood's Italian bakeries.
I noticed a post by Bobby Maida. Are you the Bobby Maida from oldneighborhoodonline.com? I'm asking because that website has been unavailable for a while and I was wondering if it's gone for good.
7:23am 06-29-2014
mary ann
Just googled my dad's name, and this site came up with both his and my mom's name in memorial. So wonderful to see that tribute. They owned Rosie's Candy Store at 416 East 116th for over twenty years. If you have a memory of them, e mail me, as an only child I treasure any recollections someone may have.
2:25pm 06-23-2014
Graduated from St. Ann's on east 110th St. in 1951. Remember visiting OLMC during the feast in July and Holy Thursday. Would like to hear from any classmates. Will the feast be held in 2014
10:08pm 03-06-2014
As a 1954 graduate of Our Lady of Good Counsel, Yorkville, I was taught to appreciate the beauty of other "rival" parishes and certainly the Church of Our Lady of Mount Carmel is among the most beautiful. Especially so, in its simplicity, is the statue of Mother Seton. We at OLGC had the Sisters of Charity and most of us remember them well and still appreciate them. One of our graduates has posted a photo of your work of art on the internet. Thank you.
11:39am 06-18-2013
I'm from Polla (SA) Italy and now I'm livin' in Brooklyn.
I would to know if on july 16th 2013 (this next july) will be a FESTA DELLA MADONNA DEL CARMINE in EAST HARLEM because I' d like to visit !

There are some people from POLLA still live there in east harlem?

12:12am 07-17-2011
2:26pm 07-15-2011
I was born on the feast day of Our Lady of Mount Carmel 07/16/46 and we lived in the South Bronx. The story goes that my parents went the feast on 07/15/46 where my mother had a sausage and pepper hero and I was born at 7 AM the following morning. I really don't like sausage and pepper heros. Once I was old enough we used to walk across the Willis Avenue Bridge to celebrate my birthday and the feast day of Our Lady. We'd eat the food, ride the rides, say prayers at the church and always walk home eating the Zappoles (spelling ?). These are memories I treasure from my growing up years and I think these special birthdays are what helped my form my strong devotion to Mary.
2:29pm 07-12-2011
Audrey Conti-Levine
OLMC has also been a tradition in our family. My father who passed in 1993 took us to the Church every year since we were born. We are four sisters. Dad's birthday was also July 16th so it was even more special. His Mother took him as a child and we now take our children and pray for all the family and their special intentions. I remember when we would wait many many hours on line with candles just to get in to the church. The memories are fond and the spiritual connection just as strong as ever.
12:26pm 07-13-2010
Michael Mallon
Hi to all... Our Lady of Mount Carmel has been a family tradition since my great grandmother went in the early 1900's. I love going and hope to make it this year... I'm not sure the full history of my family in East Harlem, but I'm sure it's where they immigrated to from Italy. Many family members still come on July 16th to pray and participate in the procession. I'm 32 years old... let's keep these traditions of our faith alive!!!
2:36am 05-29-2010
Vincent Cancro
86 years old . born 247 E 117 st. Baptized Mt Camel. Marched for years with my dad who was Pres.Congrega. Graduated St Paul School 118 st. Left Harlem to enlist in Army Air Corps 1942 Returned 1945 met my swetheart also 117 st. We started St. Paul in first grade. Will celebrate 63 Wedding Anniv. this year. Many treasured memories of my Harlem youth.
7:00pm 11-20-2009
hey anthony s,sorry to hear about your dad,my dad also passed last oct.he was 78.we moved out in 73.may our dads r.i.p.
6:56pm 11-20-2009
hey anthony s,sorry about you dad .he was a great quiet guy.my dad also passed last oct but i think my dad was much older,my dad was 78.may they both rest in peace.i remember that you dad was only there on sat.we moved out in 73
1:26pm 10-03-2009
Anthony S
hey snoots how r u I would buy hot dogs off the greek also my dad only sold on saturdays , my dad passed away last october it will be a year now, have you been to the east harlem web site I moved out of harlem in 1970
3:54pm 10-02-2009
anthony s i knew your dad real well.i lived at 420 e 116th st and graduated olmc 1971,when i didnt get hot dogs from the greek i would see you dad outside shellys toy store on 116th and 1st
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